William Harvey
- Born 1 April 1578 Folkstone, Kent
- 1593-1597 Caius College, Cambridge
- 1599 – University of Padua
- 1602 – MD, University of Padua
- 1607 – Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
- 1618 – Physician extraordinary to James I
- 1645 – Warden of Merton College, Oxford
- President of the College of Physicians
- Died 3 June 1657
Medical Eponyms
- William Harvey Hospital in Ashford, Kent, England
- Alternate names: Gulielmi Harveii; Gulielmo Harveo; Gulielmus Harveus
Major Publications
- William H. Prelectiones anatomiae universalis. Lecture notes. 1616 (Published 1886). Contains handwritten notes on the discovery of the circulation of blood.
- William H. Exercitatio Anatomica De Motu Cordis Et Sanguinis In Animalibus. 1628
- William H. An anatomical disquisition on the motion of the heart and blood in animals. London: Sydenham Society. 1847 (1906 reprint)
- William H. On the motion of the heart and blood in animals. London: Bell. 1889 (Alex Bowie revised and edited work of Willis original translation)
- Willis R. The works of William Harvey. London: Sydenham Society. 1847
- Power D. William Harvey. London: T. Fisher Unwin. 1897
- Biography: William Harvey. Lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Munk’s Roll: Volume 1:124.
the person behind the name