Abdominal Imaging Cases 006

Isolina R. Rossi, MD and Brian P. Shreve, MD curate and present a series of Adult Emergency Medicine Radiology Topics each month. First published on EMGuideWire.com and peer reviewed by Kyle Cunningham, MD and Professor Michael Gibbs

Cases include Staghorn Calculi, Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis, Fecal impaction, Horseshoe Kidney, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Blunt renal trauma

Abdominal Imaging Cases

This abdominal imaging interpretation series is proudly sponsored by the Emergency Medicine Residency Program at Carolinas Medical Center. The goal is to promote widespread mastery of CXR interpretation. There is no personal health information [PHI] within, and ages have been changed to protect patient confidentiality.

Dr Kyle Cunningham MD CMC Radiology reading room 2

Assistant Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery at Carolinas Medical Center | @TraumaMPH |

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