LITFL Authors

We are Australasian emergency and critical care physicians, nurses and healthcare professionals exploring the changing world of eLearning, emergency medicine, critical care and toxicology through clinical cases, fictionalized anecdotes and medical satire.

Many people have contributed to this website and we are thankful to them all for their hard work.

Dr Adam Brown LITFL Author

MBChB (hons), BMedSci - University of Edinburgh. Living the good life in emergency medicine down under. Interested in medical imaging and physiology. Love hiking, cycling and the great outdoors.

Consultant emergency medicine  MBChB, DipPEC, MPhil, FRCEM, PhD. Emergency physician, Yeovil District Hospital. Clinical advisor, UEC Bundle Implementation, NHSE Southwest, UK. Specialist advisor, CQC Urgent Emergency Care, UK. Honorary associate professor, Division of Emergency Medicine, University of Cape Town, RSA. Past editor in chief, African Journal of Emergency Medicine

Emergency Physician in Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine in Sydney, Australia. He has a passion for ECG interpretation and medical education | ECG Library |


BSc (Hons) MBBS FRACP FCSANZ. Stuart is an interventional cardiologist and structural heart specialist. He has a special interest in treating complex and previously untreatable coronary artery disease, and a passion for distal radial artery access for coronary angiography and stenting.

After completing his training in Brisbane and Perth with an interventional cardiology fellowship, he returned to paradise to take up cardiology consulting at various local hospitals and now is a director of HeartHQ.

Adult/Paediatric Emergency Medicine Advanced Trainee in Melbourne, Australia. Special interests in diagnostic and procedural ultrasound, medical education, and ECG interpretation. Co-creator of the LITFL ECG Library. Twitter: @rob_buttner

BA MA (Oxon) MBChB (Edin) FACEM FFSEM. Emergency physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.  Passion for rugby; medical history; medical education; and asynchronous learning #FOAMed evangelist. Co-founder and CTO of Life in the Fast lane | Eponyms | Books | Twitter |

A Prof Daniel Carroll paediatric surgeon LITFL Author

DM, MA, BMBCh (Oxon) MRCS, FRCS (Paed). Paediatric Surgeon with an interest in antenatal diagnosis and tropical and indigenous surgery. Associate Professor James Cook University | Twitter | LinkedIn |

Dr Tom Cassidy MBBS FACEM. Emergency physician, Perth Australia. Father of two humans and whimsical lyricist. Special skills: relocating ECGs, reading toxidromes and interpreting dislocations | @tgpcassidyLinkedIn |

Dr Albert Chan LITFL

Dr Albert Chan MBBS, FHKCA, FHKAM (Anaesthesiologist), FANZCA is Associate Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Prince of Wales Hospital and Clinical Assistant Professor (Honorary), Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong | @gaseousXchange |