Adolphe-Marie Gubler
Adolphe-Marie Gubler (1821 – 1879) was a French physician and therapeutic pharmacologist.
- Born April 5, 1821
- 1845 – Interne
- 1849 – Doctorate in Paris
- 1865 – Member of Académie de médecine
- 1868 – Professor of therapeutics, Paris
- Died April 20, 1879
Medical Eponyms
Millard-Gubler syndrome (1856)
[*aka Gubler paralysis, Gulber syndrome] A pontine lesion affecting the seventh cranial nerve nucleus and the descending pyramidal fibres on one side of the ventral pons, causing homolateral facial paresis and contralateral hemiplegia.
Gubler described and localised this syndrome as “the crossed hemiplegias of the pons” in 1856. However, Auguste Louis Jules Millard (1830-1915) had briefly described the condition a year earlier in 1855 (Extrait du Rapport). Gubler acknowledged Millard’s earlier work, and Millard’s cases were reprinted in 1856 in the pages immediately following Gubler’s publication.
In 1893, Charcot referred to “la paralysie alterne de Gubler” but also acknowledged Millard’s discovery occurring around the same time and justified the use of both names in the eponym.
Other eponyms
- Gubler line
- Gubler tumor (1868)
Major Publications
- Gubler A-M. Desglandes de Méry (Cooper) et de leurs maladies chez l’homme, Thèse de doctorat, Paris, 1849
- Gubler A-M. De l’hémiplégie alterne envisagée comme signe de lésion de la protubérance annulaire et comme preuve de la décussation des nerfs faciaux. Gazette hebdomadaire de médecine et de chirurgie. 1856; 3: 749-754, 789-792, 811-816. [Millard-Gubler syndrome]
- Gubler A-M. De la tumeur dorsale des mains dans la paralysie saturnine des extenseurs des doigts. L’Union médicale. 1868; 6: 2-8, 15-19, 26-30. [Gubler tumor]
- Gubler A-M. Commentaires thérapeutiques du Codex medicamentarius. 1868
- Gubler A-M. The principles and methods of therapeutics. 1881
- Fresquet JL. Adolphe-Marie Gubler. Historia de la Medicina
Eponymous terms
- Millard A. Extrait du Rapport. Bulletins de la Société anatomique de Paris. 1855; 30: 206-207
- Millard A. A monsieur le redacteur en chef de la Gazette Hebdomadaire. Gazette hebdomadaire de médecine et de chirurgie. 1856; 3: 816-818.
- Silverman IE, Liu GT, Volpe NJ, Galetta SL. The crossed paralyses. The original brain-stem syndromes of Millard-Gubler, Foville, Weber, and Raymond-Cestan. Arch Neurol. 1995 Jun;52(6):635-8.
the person behind the name
Physician in training. German translator and lover of medical history.