Adolphe Pinard
Adolphe Pinard (1844–1934) was a French obstetrician
Pinard was a pioneer of modern perinatal care; his provision of social care to deprived pregnant women progressed to a recognition of the value of medical care of mother and baby before as well as after birth; and demonstrated the value of a logical and systematic approach to abdominal palpation in pregnancy
Pinard opened the first child welfare clinic in France and used to follow up his children from birth until they were 2 years of age. Inventor of the Pinard horn (fetoscope)
- Born on February 4, 1844 at Méry-sur-Seine, France
- Etienne Stéphane Tarnier (1828-1897) at the Paris Maternité Hospital
- mayor of Mérysur-Seine
- held a seat in the parliament at the Palais Bourbon
- Died on March 1, 1934 at Méry-sur-Seine, France
Medical Eponyms
Pinard horn (1895) [Stéthoscope obstétrical de Pinard]
Pinard Obstetric Palpation
External cephalic version by Pinard
clear guidelines for abdominal palpation of the foetus, in particular seeking the presenting part at the pelvic brim
The head may be in relation with the superior uterine segment, while the breech remains below.
When the presentation is really transverse, as is shown in figs. 24 and 25, the operative procedure is essentially the same as that employed in presentation of the breech. The head in one of the iliac fosses, and the breech in the opposite flank.
In this case apply one hand over the foetal head, the other over the breech, and by gentle and sustained pressure exerted inversely over one and the other extremity, turn the two poles of the foetus under the median line. (See fig. 26)
This manoeuvre is the simplest, and I have never seen it fail during gestation.
Major Publications
- Pinard A. Nouvelles recherches de pelvimétrie et de pelvigraphie, sur la forme et les diamètres antéro-postérieurs de 100 bassins viciés représentés de grandeur naturelle. Thèse 1874
- Pinard A. De l’action comparée du chloroforme, du clhoral de l’opium et de la morphine chez la femme en travail. Thèse 1878
- Pinard A. Traité du palper abdominal: au point de vue obstétrical et de la version par manoeuvres externe 1878 [Pinard A. A treatise on abdominal palpation : as applied to obstetrics, and version by external manipulations. Translation Neale LE, 1885]
- Pinard A, Varnier H. De l’irrigation continue comme traitement prophylactique et curatif des infections puerpérales. 1886
- Pinard A. Traité du palper abdominal: au point de vue obstétrical, et de la version par manoeuvres externes 1889
- Pinard A. Traitement de l’infection puerpérale. 1896
- Pinard A. Clinique obstétricale. 1899
- Pinard A. Du foeticide. 1901
- Pinard A. Notice sur les titres et travaux scientifiques. 1899
- Adolphe Pinard (1844–1934). Bulletin de la Société d’Obstétrique et de Gynécologie de Paris 1934; 23: 335-342
- Adolphe Pinard (1844–1934). The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire 1934; 41(3): 422-423
- Dumont M. Le cent-cinquantenaire de la naissance d’Adolphe Pinard (1844-1934) [The sesquicentennial anniversary of the birth of Adolphe Pinard (1844-1934)]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 1994;23(4):351-7.
- Dunn PM. Adolphe Pinard (1844-1934) of Paris and intrauterine paediatric care. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2006 May;91(3):F231-2.
- Schneider WH. Puericulture, and the Style of French Eugenics. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 1986; 8(2): 265-277
- Peschanski N, Cadogan M. A vivid grouping (1903). LITFL
- Adolphe Pinard (1844-1934). Neonatology on the web.
Eponymous terms
- Skeide A. Music to My Ears: A Material-semiotic Analysis of Fetal Heart Sounds in Midwifery Prenatal Care. Science, Technology, & Human Values 2021; 47(3)
the person behind the name
Final year Curtin Medical School student, bound for RPH. Piqued by physiology, padawan in procedures and partial to fiction. Always careful to check my blind spot when merging into the fast lane.