Adult CXR Cases 028

Angela Pikus MD, Mark Baumgarten MD, Alex Blackwell MD and Rosa Malloy-Post MD, curate and present a series of Adult Emergency Medicine Radiology topics. These self-guided educational slides were first published on and peer reviewed by Professor Michael Gibbs and Sean Fox, MD

Cases include Naloxone-Associated Aspiration Pneumonitis, Pulmonary Edema, Superior Vena Cava Syndrome, Pulmonary Aspergillosis, “Air Crescent Sign”, Needle-Chest Decompression

Adult Chest X-Ray Cases

This ongoing chest X-ray interpretation series is proudly sponsored by the Emergency Medicine Residency Program at Carolinas Medical Center. The goal is to promote widespread mastery of CXR interpretation. There is no personal health information [PHI] within, and ages have been changed to protect patient confidentiality.

Michael A. Gibbs, MD, FACEP, FAAEM. Professor and Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine at Carolinas Medical Center & Levine Children’s Hospital | EMGuidewire |

One comment

  1. Dear Michael,

    Thank you – again – for this excellent presentation on emergency cases. Your presentation includes challenging cases, perfect didactic summaries and the scientific background. We love to discuss your cases here in Germany.
    Best wishes,
    Stefan Mielck

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