
Cervical spine and Spinal cord

Andy Neill of Emergency Medicine Ireland has done an amazing job of creating a series of Anatomy For Emergency Medicine Podcasts and Visual Resources on Vimeo and iTunes.

Video tutorials on the Cervical spine and Spinal cord

C-spine Anatomy | Cervical Spine


C-spine Anatomy | Vertebral Artery


Spinal Cord | Spinal Cord Injuries I
Spinal Cord | Spinal Cord Injuries II


Update: central cord syndrome normally presents with motor weakness distally (in the hands) rather than proximally in the case in the video. Mnemonic for remembering it MUD: Motor/Upper/Distal

  • motor>sensory
  • upper>lower
  • distal> proximal

Based on the pure anatomy – with the corticospinal tracts arranged somatotopically with the highest spinal segments most medial – one would expect proximal weakness (C5,6 etc..) more than distal (C7-8, T1 etc…). But since when does the textbook play ball with reality! Maybe it’s just representative of the level of lesion in cervical cord (ie a lower lesion when the upper segments have already exited the cord) but it has me beat. Let me know if you have a better answer

Either way the more important thing is that central cord syndrome more usually presents with distal not proximal upper limb weakness.

Spinal Cord | Spinal Cord Injuries III


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BSCC Basic Science in Clinical Context 700 2

Clinical Anatomy

with Andy Neill

BA MA (Oxon) MBChB (Edin) FACEM FFSEM. Emergency physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.  Passion for rugby; medical history; medical education; and asynchronous learning #FOAMed evangelist. Co-founder and CTO of Life in the Fast lane | Eponyms | Books | Twitter |