Physiology Philes
Welcome to the Physiology section of Basic Science in Clinical Context (BSCC)
The Physiology Philes seek to reimagine the way we look at physiology, to refresh those who’ve forgotten, and teach those who never knew it, in order for anybody in any streams of medical, nursing, and allied health fields to understand the magnificent workings of the human body, and extrapolate this to understanding why we do what we do.
- 001 – Valsalva Manoeuvre
- 002 – HB-O2 dissociation curve
- 003 – Cell membrane resting potential
- 004 – Cardiac Action Potential
- 005 – [Exam] Left Ventricle Pressure Volume Loop
- 006 – [Exam] Static Lung Volumes
- 007 – [Exam] Cardiac Pacemaker and action potential
- 008 – [Exam] Haemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve
- 009 – [Exam] Cardiac Myocyte action potential
- 010 – [Exam] Nerve Cell action potential
- 011 – [Exam] Respiratory dead space
- 012 – [Exam] Muscle spindle and stretch reflex
- 013 – [Exam] Frank Starling curve
- 014 – [Exam] Oxygen concentration curves
- 015 – [Exam] ECG waves and hyperkalaemia
- 016 – [Exam] Changes in systolic and diastolic pressure

Basic Science
in Clinical Context