
BSCC: Basic Science in Clinical Context

Basic Science in Clinical Context (BSCC) is the art of delivering and maintaining a working knowledge of basic science applied to the clinical setting.

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Basic Science

The Internet has provided us with myriad opportunities to review the way we look at education. Social media and web 2.0 has increased the level of engagement at a global level and allowed high quality information to be written, read, heard, seen and shared. This sense of global community education is the very essence of the modern day version of asynchronous learning.

Asynchronous learning is a student-centered teaching method that uses online learning resources to facilitate information sharing outside the constraints of time and place among a network of people. Asynchronous learning is based on constructivist theory, a student-centered approach that emphasizes the importance of peer-to-peer interactions

We are seeing an increased number of engaged, interested readers who are enjoying learning for the sake of learning. It has led to the development of ‘anyone-anywhere-anytime-anything‘ learning …picking apart the standard educational models.

Working online, and without a syllabus has allowed us to provide a complimentary strategy to solution driven problems (Problem Based Learning) and physical scientific constructivism (contextual learning) and be a little more creative in our educational approach. We have the opportunity to go beyond conventional classroom learning and develop a community based teaching model based on asynchronous contextual online learning. This will allow more time for reflection on complex ideas, which is great for continuous professional development.

Basic Science

in Clinical Context