Category FOAM
No Coffee No Anaesthesia

Twenty Twitter Rules

Gregory Miller, MD is a Twitter recent-adopter and provides Twenty Twitter Rules from 'the novice perspective' on getting involved in #FOAMed Twittersphere
Bubbles in the Wilderness

Bubbles in the Wilderness

There have been many discussions and debates about the role of FOAM (free open-access meducation) in medical education, the pros, the cons and whether or not, it really is useful. It may not be for everyone, yet for some individuals…

an abominable airway…

the case. a 28 year old male presents to your Emergency Department with a 2-3 week history of increasing neck swelling. He is now spitting out frank purulent discharge from his mouth and reports fevers and night sweats.

shrouded shock…

the case. 46 year old male is bought into your resuscitation bay by local ambulance following a three metre fall from a work platform onto a horizontal metal railing below.

another bubble of trouble…

the case. 43 year old female is brought into your resuscitation bay by the paramedics.  She has a 2 day history of vomiting and diarrhoea on the background of type 2 diabetes and alcohol abuse.  Her son is concerned that…

bubble of trouble…

the case. 76 year old male presents to your Emergency Department via ambulance with right hip pain and a fever of 38.1*C.

collective crises…

the case. a 28 year old female is brought into your resuscitation bay by paramedic crews following a two day history of nausea and vomiting. As she rolls past, you notice that she is distressed with pain, looks clinically very…

an insidious intruder…

the case. 28 year old male presents to your tertiary emergency department with chest pain, exertional dyspnoea and left calf pain.

a perplexing paradox…

The case. a 70 year old female is bought to your ED at 10pm via ambulance with a dense right-sided hemiparesis following a witnessed collapse at home only 30 minutes earlier.

The road ahead for FOAM

Aidan Baron shares his view of the road ahead for FOAM/ #FOAMed: Information Overload, Content Consolidation, Sourcing Quality and Delivering Diversity.

twist and shout….

the case. 34 year old female presents to ED with a 2 day history of worsening left-sided pleuritic chest pain associated with shortness of breath. There has been no associated cough, fever or sputum production. She is one week post-Caesarian…

Mind the gap #2…

the case. a 43 year old male presents to your ED with a three day history of severe epigastric pain and recurrent vomiting. He has now become increasingly breathless and is complaining of severe retrosternal chest pain.