back with a vengeance…
the case. a 59 year old male presents to ED at 2am with a two week history of progressive back pain. He is worried because it is worsening in severity and now radiates to the left flank & left-lower quadrant.
the case. a 59 year old male presents to ED at 2am with a two week history of progressive back pain. He is worried because it is worsening in severity and now radiates to the left flank & left-lower quadrant.
the case. 76 year old male presents to ED with 2 hours of retrosternal chest pain. He is clammy, diaphoretic & looks miserable.
the case. a 62 year old female presents to ED with breathlessness & chest pain.
the case. Previously well 64 year male presents to ED with 90 minutes of retrosternal chest pain after riding his bike. This is his ECG….
the case. a 42 year old male presents via ambulance with chest pain following an motor vehicle accident.
the case. a 32 year old male presents to ED with a 4 hour history of retrosternal chest pain. He has had the pain since midnight and it “just isn’t going away”. This is his ECG…
As revenge for an incident best left unmentioned, Chris Nickson of handed me the poisoned chalice of speaking on tPA for stroke at SMACC 2013. This is the result. (Un)fortunately there is no actual video footage as I wasn’t…
the case. A mother brings her 18 month old child to your emergency department with a 24 hour history of fevers. She is now worried that her daughter has developed these little red spots.
the case. An 85 year old female is bought to ED with right hip pain. She was found outside after unfortunately spending the night on the ground. This is her ECG.
the case. a 79 year old female returns to ED with left sided chest pain & dyspnoea. She was recently admitted following a fall with rib fractures (including a flail segment) and a small haemothorax.
the case. A 2 year old infant is bought to your ED with a painful right hand. She claims to be have been bitten by the family dog 2 days earlier…
the case. You receive a BAT call about a 31 year-old male who has come off his bicycle after running into a stationary car at ~30 km Bystanders report that he was thrown 3-5m and had a loss of consciousness…