Category Medical Specialty

The True Angina

A 44 year-old man presents to the ED 2 days after having an infected left mandibular second molar tooth extracted by his dentist.

Just a sore throat

aka ENT Equivocation 002 A 38 year old male with a background history of type 2 diabetes presents with fevers, rigors and pain on swallowing. There is no sign of impending airway compromise; however, marked trismus is noted. The following…

Ultrasound cases top 100 340

Lung Point Case 4

A tall and thin 18 year old male presents with pleuritic chest pain and mild shortness of breath. What does the ultrasound show? Lung point

The Hurty Throat

It's your first day on the job in the ED and first up is a 23 year-old male with a 2 day history of a sore throat. He's had difficulty swallowing and finds it painful to eat and drink.
EBM Gone Wild mountain 340

So do we call them extreme infections?

It’s no secret that the “extreme athlete” industry continues to steamroll mainstream athletics. This isn’t a new trend, as evidenced by the fact that this review article is from 2007. Sorry for making everyone feel old by reminding them that…

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Arnold–Chiari malformation

Arnold-Chiari malformation (Type II Chiari malformation) associated with myelomeningocele. Julius Arnold (1835-1915) and Hans Chiari (1851-1916)
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Libman-Sacks endocarditis

Libman-Sacks endocarditis, characterized by sterile, verrucous valvular lesions (Libman-Sacks vegetations) with a predisposition for the mitral and aortic valves.
john a durkan MD carpal tunnel 340

John Durkan

Dr John A. Durkan specialist in orthopedic and sports medicine. Eponymously affiliated with Durkan's test in carpal tunnel syndrome
Eponymythology Graves Orbiopathy 340

Graves orbitopathy

Time to review the descriptions and eponymythology of the forgotten signs associated with Graves orbitopathy - the signs of Dalrymple, Stellwag, von Graefe, Möbius and Joffroy...