Category Medical Specialty
Ultrasound LIBRARY 340 1

Lung ultrasound: Pneumothorax

A pneumothorax, an abnormal collection of gas in the pleural space, separating the parietal pleura of the chest wall from the visceral pleura of the lung.
Karl Maximilian Wilhelm Wilms (1867 – 1918) 340

Max Wilms

Karl Maximilian Wilhelm Wilms (1867 – 1918) was a German surgeon and pathologist. Eponymously affiliated with Wilms Tumour (nephroblastoma)
Ernest-Charles Lasègue (1816 – 1883) 340

Ernest-Charles Lasègue

Ernest-Charles Lasègue (1816 – 1883) French Physician. Eponym Lasègue sign of sciatic nerve irritation. Anorexia nervosa. Folie à deux. Conversion hysteria.

Jefferson Fracture

Burst fracture of the atlas (C1). Often occurs as a result of an axial load to the spine from a direct blow to the vertex of the head
Sir Geoffrey Jefferson (1886 – 1961) 340

Geoffrey Jefferson

Sir Geoffrey Jefferson (1886 – 1961) British Neurosurgeon. Eponym: Jefferson fracture - a complex burst fracture of the ring of the atlas (C1)
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Ramstedt Operation

The history of pyloric stenosis and the Ramstedt Operation (1912) for pyloromyotomy - surgical correction of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, involving longitudinal splitting of the hypertrophic pylorus and leaving the defect open.
Conrad Ramstedt (1867–1963) 340

Conrad Ramstedt

Conrad Ramstedt (1867–1963) was a German surgeon. Eponymously affiliated with the Ramstedt Pylorotomy (1912), of which he carried out 70 during his career
Sir John Charnley (1911 – 1982) 340

Sir John Charnley

Sir John Charnley (1911 – 1982) was an English orthopaedic surgeon recognised as the founder of modern hip replacement. Charnley prosthesis
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Hirschsprung disease

Hirschsprung disease is a developmental disorder characterized by the absence of ganglia (aganglionosis) in the distal colon, resulting in functional obstruction
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Bimanual laryngoscopy

Bimanual laryngoscopy using external laryngeal manipulation (ELM) is the single most practical and effective airway management technique for facilitating intubation during direct laryngoscopy.
Primum non killem Amal Mattu

Primum non killem

We all need a bit more Mattu in our lives. Three awesome #FOAMed lectures to satisfy your hypomattuism thanks to Essentials of EM and Hippo education