Early Management of the Critically Ill Child
- most common cause is sepsis
- always think of congenital conditions though (heart disease or metabolic disorders)
SICC-FIT for the critically neonate:
- Sepsis
- Intracranial disorder (haemorrhage, tumour)
- Congenital heart disease
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia/ adrenal crisis
- Feeding problems (e.g. formula errors)
- Intestinal emergencies (e.g. intussusception)
- Toxicological
In older children, remember KID as well:
- Kawasaki disease
- Injury
- Doesn’t thrive (failure to thrive)
- they can turn into raisins quickly -> dehydrate (decreased ability to concentrate urine and increased insensible losses)
- blood volume = 80mL/kg
- shock = myocardial dysfunction (early use of inotropes)
- increased HR prior to decrease BP
- tachycardia: low output, fever, pain, seizures, drugs
- know the vitals that are worrying for each age group
- warning signs: persistently rising tachycardia, acidosis, lactate -> think cardiac anomaly
- IUGR and preterm babies -> significant implications long term
- FHx important
- < 6 on APGAR at birth
- onset of illness
- symptoms often non-specific (ie. babies often ‘off their food’)
- AVPU rather than GCS
- agitation
- hypothermia is a really bad sign
- RESP: RR and patter ?acidosis
- CVS: P, BP, CR, urine output
Involve parents early
Calculate weight
- < 9: age x 2 + 8
- > 9: age x 3
- intubate if: arrested, obtunded, has respiratory failure, hypotension and need inotropes, severe metabolic acidosis (BE – 10) -> intubation decreases oxygen demand by 30%.
- preoxygenate
- 20mL/kg fluid preinduction
- ETT = age/4 + 4 (needs a small leak)
- intubate orally and then electively change for nasal ETT
- always insert a N/G to as gastric stasis very common and improves ventilation
- drugs: ketamine, fentanyl, atracurium, atropine, adrenaline
- CXR: tip of ETT should be between the clavicles c/o movement of tube with flexion and extension of neck
- intubation: paralyse, IT 1 second, PEEP 5-10, PIP < 30cmH2O, rate < 30
- can use permissive hypercapnia (except in PHT and brain injury)
- early use of proning, HFOV and iNO
- 2 IVC
- can use EJV or cannulation of umbilical vein (neonates)
- central access: femoral -> IJV -> SCV
- remember IO if required
- IVF: give and keep giving
- 30mL/kg – crystalloid
- > 30mL/kg – colloid (4% albumin) + inotropes
- > 40mL/kg – blood, platelets, FFP (give in 10mL/kg increments)
- maintenance: 4, 2, 1 – isotonic fluids
- feed early
- inotropes: dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline, milrinone
- Ca2+: great inotrope, good in sepsis (keep ionized > 1.0)
- glucose (don’t worry about hyperglycaemia acutely)
- sedation: morphine, chloral hydrate
- careful with diazepam
- propofol infusion (good for procedures and wake ups)
- antibiotics: < 3 months – cefotaxime and amoxicillin, > 3 months – ceftriaxone + gentamicin
- hydrocortisone 2mg/kg: shock, pupura fulminans, adrenal insufficiency
- aim for normothermia
- incidence 1% (25% VSD, coarctation 6%)
- history: cyanosis, sweating, poor feeding -> sudden deterioration c/o duct dependence (shock, cyanosis, heart failure, arrhythmias).
A – ETT if shocked, acidosis, requires prostaglandins, transport
B – alkalanise, diuretics, PEEP, iNO, CXR
C – volume, cardioversion, inotropes, 4 limb BP’s, ECG
D – glucose, antibiotics (omit if > 4 days old and cultures negative), PGE1 opens duct – 30mcg/kg in 50mL of N/S = 10ng/kg/min
- febrile convulsions (if > 1 hour or T > 40 C -> worry)
- resuscitate
- check BSL
- cool with tepid cloths
- cefotaxime, vancomycin, acyclovir (if focal)
- diazepam 0.3mg/kg or midazolam 0.2mg/kg
- phenytoin 20mg/kg
- phenobarbitone 25mg/kg
- thiopentone
- paraldehyde
- salbutamol neb
- hydrocortisone IV
- salbutamol IV 5mg/kg
- aminophylline bolus -> infusion
- Mg2+
- intubate (rarely)
- fall > 3m, MVA, drowning, poisoning
- can’t judge distances until 12 years old!
- have more serious c-spine injures (but rarer)
- sand-bags and tapes
- CT C1-2 and lateral
- abdominal trauma (mostly conservatively managed)
References and Links
Introduction to ICU Series
Introduction to ICU Series Landing Page
DAY TO DAY ICU: FASTHUG, ICU Ward Round, Clinical Examination, Communication in a Crisis, Documenting the ward round in ICU, Human Factors
AIRWAY: Bag Valve Mask Ventilation, Oropharyngeal Airway, Nasopharyngeal Airway, Endotracheal Tube (ETT), Tracheostomy Tubes
BREATHING: Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP), High Flow Nasal Prongs (HFNP), Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation, Mechanical Ventilation Overview, Non-invasive Ventilation (NIV)
CIRCULATION: Arrhythmias, Atrial Fibrillation, ICU after Cardiac Surgery, Pacing Modes, ECMO, Shock
CNS: Brain Death, Delirium in the ICU, Examination of the Unconscious Patient, External-ventricular Drain (EVD), Sedation in the ICU
GASTROINTESTINAL: Enteral Nutrition vs Parenteral Nutrition, Intolerance to EN, Prokinetics, Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis (SUP), Ileus
GENITOURINARY: Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), CRRT Indications
HAEMATOLOGICAL: Anaemia, Blood Products, Massive Transfusion Protocol (MTP)
INFECTIOUS DISEASE: Antimicrobial Stewardship, Antimicrobial Quick Reference, Central Line Associated Bacterial Infection (CLABSI), Handwashing in ICU, Neutropenic Sepsis, Nosocomial Infections, Sepsis Overview
SPECIAL GROUPS IN ICU: Early Management of the Critically Ill Child, Paediatric Formulas, Paediatric Vital Signs, Pregnancy and ICU, Obesity, Elderly
FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTES: Albumin vs 0.9% Saline, Assessing Fluid Status, Electrolyte Abnormalities, Hypertonic Saline
PHARMACOLOGY: Drug Infusion Doses, Summary of Vasopressors, Prokinetics, Steroid Conversion, GI Drug Absorption in Critical Illness
PROCEDURES: Arterial line, CVC, Intercostal Catheter (ICC), Intraosseous Needle, Underwater seal drain, Naso- and Orogastric Tubes (NGT/OGT), Rapid Infusion Catheter (RIC)
INVESTIGATIONS: ABG Interpretation, Echo in ICU, CXR in ICU, Routine daily CXR, FBC, TEG/ROTEM, US in Critical Care
ICU MONITORING: NIBP vs Arterial line, Arterial Line Pressure Transduction, Cardiac Output, Central Venous Pressure (CVP), CO2 / Capnography, Pulmonary Artery Catheter (PAC / Swan-Ganz), Pulse Oximeter
Critical Care
Chris is an Intensivist and ECMO specialist at The Alfred ICU, where he is Deputy Director (Education). He is a Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University, the Lead for the Clinician Educator Incubator programme, and a CICM First Part Examiner.
He is an internationally recognised Clinician Educator with a passion for helping clinicians learn and for improving the clinical performance of individuals and collectives. He was one of the founders of the FOAM movement (Free Open-Access Medical education) has been recognised for his contributions to education with awards from ANZICS, ANZAHPE, and ACEM.
His one great achievement is being the father of three amazing children.
On Bluesky, he is @precordialthump.bsky.social and on the site that Elon has screwed up, he is @precordialthump.
| INTENSIVE | RAGE | Resuscitology | SMACC