
Conrad Ramstedt

Conrad Ramstedt (1867–1963)

Conrad Ramstedt (1867–1963) was a German surgeon.

Eponymously affiliated with the Ramstedt Pylorotomy, of which he carried out 70 during his career. First performed in 1911 and published in 1912 and 1913.

Served in the German army medical corps in World War I

  • Born on February 1, 1867 in Hamersleben in Central Prussia
  • 1894 – Graduated after studying Medicine at Heidelberg, Berlin and Halle
  • 1895–1901 Surgical assistant at the University Surgical Clinic in Halle
  • 1901-1909 Medical officer in the (Westphalian) Cuirassiers ‘von Driesen’
  • 1911 – Ramstedt performed his first pylorotomy on a 7 week-old, firstborn son of a Westphalian nobleman on August 23, 1911
  • WWI – Oberstabsarzt (Major) in the German Army
  • 1919 – Chief of Surgery in the Rafaelklinik in Munster
  • Died on February 7, 1963 in Munster, Germany

Medical Eponyms
Ramstedt Operation (pylorotomy) (1912)

Longitudinal myotomy of the pyloric muscle without attempt to close the defect, in contrast to previous methods involving closure of the hypertrophied muscle

Ramstedt is credited with pioneering the modern surgical management of Pyloric Stenosis

While working in Munster, Ramstedt suggested that simple pyloric myotomy may surfice for management of Pyloric Stenosis (1911) rather than attempting closure of the pyloric muscle, as was carried out previously. He carried out and described this procedure in the October 1912

His description of this method was preceded by Sir Harold Stiles in Edinburgh, who performed and documented the operation in February 1912

Major Publications


Ramstedt’s name was spelt with two ‘m’s (Rammstedt) in publications pre ~1920, due to an error apparently introduced by his grandfather into church records. He appears to have reverted to the original spelling after discovering this following WWI.



Eponymous terms

Dr Chloe Roy MBChB, BMed Sci (hons). Surgeon in the making | LinkedIn |

A Prof Daniel Carroll paediatric surgeon LITFL Author

DM, MA, BMBCh (Oxon) MRCS, FRCS (Paed). Paediatric Surgeon with an interest in antenatal diagnosis and tropical and indigenous surgery. Associate Professor James Cook University | Twitter | LinkedIn |

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