Eduard Heinrich Henoch
Eduard Heinrich Henoch (1820 – 1910) was a German Paediatrician.
Student of Johann Lukas Schönlein, he extended the clinical features of childhood purpura and is eponymously affiliated with Henoch-Schönlein Purpura
- Born 16 June 1820 Berlin, Germany
- 1843 – MD; Doctoral dissertation ‘De
atrophia cerebri ‘ - 1844 – Assistant at the Berlin University Policlinic run by his Uncle, Moritz Heinirich Romberg
- 1849 – he completed his post-graduate training in internal medicine, however, began working and publishing in Paediatrics before that time
- 1860 – he opened his Kinderklinik, a children’s outpatient clinic in Berlin
- 1868 – Described the association between abdominal pain and non-thrombocytopenic purpura, whereas his professor, Johann Lukas Schonlein, described the association between non-thrombocytopenic purpura and arthritis. The combination of the findings are now known as Henoch-Schonlein Purpura or IgA vasculitis
- 1872 to 1893 – Henoch was director of the clinic for children’s diseases at the Berlin Charite, the first children’s hospital in Germany, which was founded in 1830
- 1889 – received the Rothe Adlerorden, a medal of high distinction
- Died 25 August 1910 Dresden, Germany
Medical Eponyms
- Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (1868)
Date of death not formally confirmed. Published articles include date of death as 28th August; 25th August and the BMJ obituary is 26th August…
Major Publications
- Henoch EH. Klinik der Unterleibs-Krankheiten. Erster Band; Zweiter Band; Dritter Band. 1852-1858 Berlin: Hirschwald
- Henoch EH. Über den Zusammenhang von Purpura und Intestinalstörungen. In: IV Verhandlungen ärztlicher Gesellschaften. Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift. 1868;5:517-519. [PDF] [Henoch-Schönlein Purpura]
- Henoch EH. Über eine eigentümliche Form von Purpura. Berliner klinische Wochenschrift. 1874;11:641-643. [Henoch-Schönlein Purpura]
- Henoch EH. Lectures on Children’s Diseases. Volume I; Volume II. 1881 The New Sydenham Society
- Henoch EH. Vorlesungen über Kinderkrankheiten. 1893 Berlin: Hirschwald
- Dunn PM. Dr Eduard Henoch (1820-1910) of Berlin: pioneer of German paediatrics. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 1996 Mar;74(2):F149-50.
- Obituary: Eduard Henoch Br Med J 1910;2:824
MB Bch BAO - National University of Ireland, Galway. From Ireland, living in Australia, chasing the Emergency Medicine dream. Interests include Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry and Paediatrics. Also passionate about Ultimate Frisbee. Curator of @LITFLblog on instagram