EMI 002 Diagnosis Wenckebach
Emergency Musical Interlude (EMI) 002: Wenckebach
The impact of audio, visual and kinaesthetic learning modalities within a contextual setting is an effective educational ploy.
Have been using this great video from ‘Med 2010 – U of A records’ to demonstrate Wenckebach education techniques to medical students and residents with great effect…
The arrhythmia learning construct was based on ‘Living Arrhythmias‘, a film by Dr John C Grammar MD FACC and Michael M Dehn made in 1980. The original soundless recording is a classic resource which demonstrates various heart rhythms and arrhythmia’s such as PVC’s, PAC’s, AV block, AF, Flutter, LBBB, RBBB, VT, VF and even unsuccessful defibrillation…