Emergency Musical Interlude
The Emergency Musical Interlude (EMI) where Music, Art and Education present in harmonious and syncopated juxtaposition.
…well sort of. From skits to promos; lively to languid; euphony to cacophony; and good to bad to gut churningly awful…we delve through the medical educational tunes within the vast wasteland of lost dreams that is YouTube, to bring you a smattering of audiovisual talent
EMI: Emergency Musical Interlude Archives
- EMI 033: Anaesthetic with Dr Lachlan McIver
- EMI 032: Living Arrhythmias
- EMI 031: The Confrontation with ZDoggMD
- EMI 030: I’m at a Code with T-Pain
- EMI 029: The Sound of Noise with guerrilla percussionists
- EMI 028: Anti-Arrhythmic Sickness with Pramänik MDMC
- EMI 027: What does the Spleen do? Class of 2016 (HMS/HSDM)
- EMI 026: Acute Asthma Guidelines with Tapas Mukherjee
- EMI 025: Bohemian Gravity with AcapellaScience
- EMI 024: Come to Australia SMACC 2019
- EMI 023: Where the Sun Don’t Shine
- EMI 022: Get your Sepsy On – Kern Medical
- EMI 021: The Very model of a Psychopharmacologist
- EMI 020: Anticholinergic Daddy – Ed Schaefer
- EMI 019: ER Nurses Rap – UAB
- EMI 018: The Cranial Nerves Song – Padeepa Perera
- EMI 017: The laryngospasms
- EMI 016: It’s Call day – Parody Paradise
- EMI 015: In Clinic – DJ Bones
- EMI 014: Glottal Opera – Kaya
- EMI 013: The Ulcer Rap – ZDoggMD
- EMI 012: Grand Rounds Gangnam Style
- EMI 011: Med School State of Mind
- EMI 010: Feel Inside with The FOTC
- EMI 009: Not Enough Perfusion with Pramänik MDMC
- EMI 008: Ms. Butt Meddler
- EMI 007: Emergency State of Mind – the Bougie Foundation
- EMI 006: Finals Countdown with Amateur Transplants
- EMI 005: Nature and Nurture Biologists Mothers day song
- EMI 004: Let it flow with ZDoggMD
- EMI 003: Half the World Away with Suman Biswas
- EMI 002: Diagnosis Wenckebach – Med 2010 – U of A records
- EMI 001: Immunize with ZDoggMD