Erich Seidel
Erich Seidel (1882-1948) was a German ophthalmologist.
Specialised in glaucoma, anaesthesia of the eye for operative surgery and field of view.
Mapped and recorded an arcuate scotoma (1914, Seidel Scotoma) which arises out of the blind spot, either inferiorly or superiorly, and tapers off. Usually associated with acute rises in intraocular pressure and steroid-induced glaucoma.
The Seidel Test (1921) is used to assess the presence of anterior chamber leakage in the cornea following trauma.
- Born on December 30, 1882 in Apolda, Thüringen
- 1907 MD Jena
- 1910 Assistant at Heidelberg University eye clinic
- 1916 Head physician, Heidelberg
- 1919 Ausserordentlicher Professor
- Died 1948
Medical Eponyms
Seidel Test (1921)
Test which uses sodium fluorescein to look for ocular leaks following trauma or surgery.
Seidel Scotoma (Seidel sign) (1914)
Arcuate or sickle-shaped scotoma that is a superior or inferior extension of the blind spot. Associated with glaucoma.
Major Publications
- Seidel E. Beiträge zur Frühdiagnose des Glaukoms. Untersuchungen über das zentrale Gesichtsfeld mit Prüfungsobjekten unter kleinem Gesichtswinkel (Bjerrum). Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für Ophthalmologie. 1914; 88(1): 102-157
- Seidel E. Weitere experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Quelle und den Verlauf der intraokularen Safstromung: XII. Ueber den manometrischen Nachweis des physiologischen Druckgefalles zwischen Voderkammer und Schlemmschem Kanal. Archiv für Ophthalmologie. 1921;107:101-104. [Seidel Test]
- Harrington DO. The Bjerrum Scotoma. Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society. 1964; 62: 324–348.
the person behind the name