PHEM is a male dominated speciality but why is that? Caroline Leech takes us through the reasons why this inequity exists and how we can breakdown barriers.

The Podcast

Caroline Leech

Caroline [@leechcaroline] is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at University Hospital Coventry in the UK, with specialist interests in major trauma, resuscitation and research. She has twenty years experience of pre-hospital critical care and currently works as the Deputy Clinical Lead with The Air Ambulance Service. Caroline is one of the Associate Editors with the Emergency Medicine Journal; is on the Executive Board of the Faculty of Pre-hospital Care (RCSEd); and is Course Director for the popular West Midlands Emergency Surgical Skills Course.

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Dr Oliver Flower LITFL Author BW

Oliver Flower, staff specialist in Intensive Care Medicine at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney | NeuroResus |


  1. Work in PH HEMS in CA, USA. There are a good number of women involved here since we utilize nurses. However the imbalance shows up in leadership, there are not as many women holding positions of leadership for reasons unclear. Thanks for shining a light on this issue.

  2. This is not a systemic issue. It is the simple fact that women are not applying because they are not as willing or interested in PHEM. Simple as that. Why is there a massive dominance of females in OBGYN? Is it because OBGYN discriminates against men? No. We have to stop digging and making up excuses for inequality of outcome.

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