Henry Koplik
Henry Koplik (1858-1927) was an American pediatrician.
Worked for 25 years at the Mount Sinai Hospital and established the children’s pavilion. Created the first sterilised milk depot for infants in the U.S.
Eponymously remembered for his description of the enanthem of Koplik spots with measles (first disease) first described in 1896.
- Born on October 28, 1858 New York
- 1881 – Graduated Medicine Columbia University, New York
- Mount Sinai Hospital
- One of the founders of the American Paediatric Society
- Died April 30, 1927 New York
Medical Eponyms
Koplik spots (1896)
Key Medical Attributions
Major Publications
- Koplik H. Acute articular rheumatism in the nursing infant. New York Medical Journal. 1888
- Koplik H. Arthritis complicating vulvo-vaginal inflammation in children. New York Medical Journal. 1890
- Koplik H. The etiology of empyema in children. American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 1891
- Koplik H. The sterilization of milk and the status of our knowledge upon the subject. Read before the American Medical Association, Washington, May 5, 1891
- Koplik H. Acute alcoholic intoxication in infants. Medical News. 1893
- Koplik H. Malarial fever in infants and children. New York Medical Journal. 1893
- Koplik H. Acute lacunar diphtheria of the tonsils. New York Medical Journal. 1894
- Koplik H. The diagnosis of the invasion of measles from a study of the exanthema as it appears on the buccal mucous membrane. Archives of Pediatrics, New York, 1896; 13: 918-922. [Classic Re-Print 1997] [Koplik spots]
- Koplik H. The rapid bacteriological and clinical diagnosis of diphtheria. New York Medical Journal. 1896
- Koplik H. The diseases of infancy and childhood: designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine. 4e. Lea & Febiger. 1919
- Bass MH. Pediatric profiles; Henry Koplik (1857–1928). J. Ped 1955;46:119–125.
Eponymous terms
- Baxby D. The diagnosis of the invasion of measles from a study of the exanthema as it appears on the buccal mucous membrane. Rev. Med. Virol. 1997;7:71–74