Jan Evangelista Purkinje
- Born 18 December 1787 in Libochovice, Bohemia
- Died 28 July 1869, Prague
Medical Eponyms
Anatomical eponyms
- Purkinje cell layer: Stratum purkinjense; Intermediate discharge layer of the cerebellar cortex
- Purkinje fibres: Rami subendocardialis (fasciculi atrioventricularis); Subendocardial branches
In 1845, Purkinje first described a net of grey, flat, and gelatinous fibers under the serous membrane of the inner ventricular wall of the sheep heart. He also found similar fibers in the heart of the cow, the pig, and the horse, but not in human, dog, rabbit, or hare hearts. Purkinje initially considered them something like cartilaginous tissue. However, later it became more probable to him that the fibers had something to do with a special motor apparatus.
Major Publications
- Purkinje JE. Mikroscopisch-neurologische Beobachtungen. Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und Wissenschaftliche Medicin 1845; 12: 281–295.
- Names: Jan, Johann; Evangelist, Evangelista; Purkyně, Purkinje, Purkyne
- Cavero I, Guillon JM, Holzgrefe HH. Reminiscing about Jan Evangelista Purkinje: a pioneer of modern experimental physiology. Adv Physiol Educ. 2017; 41(4): 528-538.
- Mazurak M, Kusa J. Jan Evangelista Purkinje: A Passion for Discovery. Tex Heart Inst J. 2018; 45(1): 23-26.
- Buttner R, Lee J. De-eponymising anatomical terminology. 2020
- Minai M. Jan Evangelista Purkyne (1787-1869). Embryo Project
- Bibliography. Purkyně, Jan Evangelista 1787-1869. WorldCat Identities