Jellybean 074 with Lars Lundell
Lars Lundell is a Legend of Scandinavian Surgery. From small beginnings in rural Sweden to the biggest issues in bariatric surgery, Lars has plenty to say. This one has controversy, criticism, care, laughter and a lot of rat surgery.
Professor Lars Lundell. Professor of Surgery Karolinska University Hospital Stockholm. What this man doesn’t know about the oesophagus is probably not worth knowing. What he knows about so many other things is worth knowing.
Professor Lundell’s visit to Australia will not soon be forgotten. His distinct style and his willingness to grasp controversial issues made his multiple lectures at the ASM memorable. From his first talk about critical care aspects of GI surgery to his last asking “Is obesity a surgical disease?” Lars repeatedly surprised the audience.
During this recording he again surprises with his commentary upon obesity, bariatric surgery and its future. The talk turns to the real public health problem we have to face and thus to global politics. Lars’ talks are worth seeking out via the CICM website. Indeed Lars had so much interesting stuff to say that this podcast, at 30 minutes, is twice the usual length. Sit back and listen.
The CICM ASM Jellybean series each start with a biographical component and then the conversation follows its own path. The subject matter is usually that which dwells upon the fringes of intensive care medicine; human factors, education, ethics, equality, gender, personal histories, possible futures and all the other challenges that we so often face. Being so they compliment the lectures but do not attempt to repeat them.
We hope you enjoy finding out a little more about the people behind the CICM Annual Scientific Meeting. The four CICM x Jellybean co-branded recordings are part of a larger collection. It is only these four that are formally associated with the College and include A/Prof Charlie Corke; Prof Jules Wendon; Prof John Marshall; and Prof Lars Lundell.
Doug Lynch is not a representative of the college and any views expressed are his own…
Dr Doug Lynch MA MBBS MPHTM. Critical Carer. Pathological Polymath. Medical Journeyman. Idealist. Feminist. Father. Friend. Melbourne | @TheTopEnd | JellyBeans | Enquiring Minds |