Léon Bouveret
Léon Bouveret (1850-1929) was a French internal medicine physician
Bouveret provided, in 1889, the first description of paroxysmal tachycardia before the era of the electrocardiogram.
As a young doctor, Bouveret played an important role in the fight against cholera.
Léon Bouveret also remained famous for his writings, notably his “Traité des maladies de l’estomac” and his book entitled “La neurasthénie”. His name is epoymously affiliated with Maladie de Bouveret (1889) and Bouveret Syndrome (1895)
- Born 1850
- 1878 – Defended his doctoral thesis in Paris; moved to Lyon to work in the private clinic of Professor Raphaël Lépine (1840-1919) before joining the Civils Hospitals of Lyon.
- Died 1929
Medical Eponyms
Maladie de Bouveret (1889)
Paroxysmal tachycardia with rapid onset and termination in the healthy patient
In 1889 he gave the first description of paroxysmal tachycardia in healthy heart patients with abrupt onset and termination (1). Nowadays, tachycardia that fit into this very first definition are numerous (see LITFL Chapter Supraventricular Tachycardia):
- mainly reciprocal junctional intra-nodal reentry tachycardias (AVNRT that still named by excess “Bouveret’s disease” in France)
- reciprocal junctional tachycardias by accessory bundle reentry (AVRT),
- idiopathic flutters and atrial fibrillation,
- atrial tachycardia,
- certain so-called benign ventricular tachycardias (fascicular tachycardias, Belhassen’s Verapamil-Sensitive Ventricular Tachycardia or infundibular tachycardias).
Bouveret Syndrome (1895)
Bouveret syndrome is a rare form of gastric outlet obstruction caused by a large gallstone passing through a bilioduodenal fistula.
1893 – Bouveret’s Syndrome was named after the publication of his book on the gastric diseases (Traité des maladies de l’estomac in 1893, updated 1895 then published in Revue de médecine, Paris 1896) that consisting in obstruction of the stomach or duodenum by a gallstone that has migrated through a biliogastric or bilioduodenal fistula.
Major Publications
- Bouveret L. Des sueurs morbides, Paris: J.-B. Baillière 1880
- Bouveret L. Les migrations insolites de l’empyème, 1882
- Tripier R, Bouveret L. La fièvre typhoïde traitée par les bains froids, 1886 [Die Kaltwasserbehandlung des Typhus, 1889]
- Bouveret L. Traite de L’empyeme, 1888
- Bouveret L. De la tachyardie essentielle paroxystique. Revue de médecine, Paris 1889; 9: 753-793, 837-855.
- Bouveret L. La neurasthénie (équisement nerveux), Paris: J.-B. Baillière 1891
- Bouveret L. La dyspepsie par hypersécrétion gastrique: maladie de Reichmann. Paris: J.-B. Baillière 1891
- Bouveret L. Traité des maladies de l’estomac, Paris: J.-B. Baillière 1893
- Bouveret L. Sténose du pylore adhérent à la vésicule calculeuse, Revue de médecine, Paris 1896; 16: 1-16 [Bouveret’s Syndrome]
The most classic description by Bouveret is quoted as “Stenose du pylore adherent a la vesicule. Revue médicale (Paris) 1896; 16: 1-16” – a reference repeated in the reference list of review papers since 1996. This paper does not exist. The real reference for contextual review exists in “Sténose du pylore adhérent à la vésicule calculeuse, Revue de médecine 1896; 16: 1-16”
- Français H. Nécrologie: Léon Bouveret (1850-1929). Paris médical: la semaine du clinicien. 1929; 72: 313
- Léon Bouveret-César Tournier. Le progrès médical 1929; 18: 788-789
- Paviot J. Léon Bouveret (1850-1929). Le Journal de médecine de Lyon. 1929: 681
- Bibliography. Bouveret, Léon. WorldCat Identities
Eponymous terms
Bouveret syndrome (gastric)
- Kosorok P. Bouveret’s syndrome (gallstone ileus)–a minefield. Br J Clin Pract. 1996 Jan-Feb;50(1):59-60
- Ariche A, Czeiger D, Gortzak Y, Shaked G, Shelef I, Levy I. Gastric outlet obstruction by gallstone: Bouveret syndrome. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2000 Jul;35(7):781-3.
- Cappell MS, Davis M. Characterization of Bouveret’s syndrome: a comprehensive review of 128 cases. Am J Gastroenterol. 2006 Sep;101(9):2139-46.
- Doycheva I, Limaye A, Suman A, Forsmark CE, Sultan S. Bouveret’s syndrome: case report and review of the literature. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2009;2009:914951.
- Zheng B, Li C, Wang S. Cholecystogastric fistula presenting as pyloric obstruction: A rare case of Bouveret syndrome. Asian J Surg. 2022 Jan;45(1):635-636.
- Jin L, Naidu K. Bouveret syndrome-a rare form of gastric outlet obstruction. J Surg Case Rep. 2021 May 19;2021(5):rjab183
- Nasser HA, Ibrahim N, Nasser AA, Mendes VM, Zein M. Gastric outlet obstruction – looking for a syndrome: Bouveret or Mirizzi? Int J Surg Case Rep. 2021 Jul;84:106098.
- Turner AR, Kudaravalli P, Ahmad H. Bouveret Syndrome. 2021 Feb 17. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021
Bouveret syndrome (cardiac)
- Marty J, Renner R, Rispe R, Bouvet B. Syndrome de Bouveret ventriculaire et syndrome post-tachycardique [Ventricular Bouveret syndrome and post-tachycardia syndrome]. Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss. 1955 Jul;48(7):680-4.
the person behind the name