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Sending you free open-access medical (FOAM) content from around the globe. We keep an eye on all the trends and best articles and share them with you so that you stay on top of your field.

AI in Healthcare LITFL 680

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can work for Spotify’s music DJ, so we wondered if it could also work to create an AI generated medical podcast intended for clinicians. In creating a cardiology podcast using AI, here are some of the pros and cons we discovered.

CMC radiology Cases 340 logo

Native Hip Dislocations. Adult Orthopedic case interpretation with Carrie Bissell, Ainsley Bloomer, Aaron Fox, Andrew Rees and Kendrick Lim

ECG EKG Activate or Wait Top 100 680

The first 10 cases in our new Top 100 series have been published. In these ACTIVATE or WAIT scenarios you, the reader, receive a patch message from the incoming paramedic crew, along with a 12 lead ECG. Your task is to determine if the incoming patient requires immediate Cardiac Cath Lab activation; NO cath lab activation; or… you can sit on the fence and review the patient in the emergency department on arrival.

Feedback welcomed as we try and refine the posts for the next 90…

Latest updates from the #FOAMed world

An artificial intelligence (AI) ECG model outperformed standard STEMI criteria in identifying occlusion myocardial infarction (OMI) confirmed by coronary angiography.

Pendell Meyers asks…How will you save this critically ill patient? A fundamental and lifesaving ECG interpretation that everyone must recognize instantly.

Lecture on “Trauma Pearls from the Recent Medical Literature” by Ramin Tabatabai, MD from The EM & Acute Care Course

Anand Swaminathan reviews the literature comparing the analgesic efficacy between oral and intramuscular NSAIDs


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Emergency nurse with ultra-keen interest in the realms of toxicology, sepsis, eLearning and the management of critical care in the Emergency Department | LinkedIn |

BA MA (Oxon) MBChB (Edin) FACEM FFSEM. Emergency physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.  Passion for rugby; medical history; medical education; and asynchronous learning #FOAMed evangelist. Co-founder and CTO of Life in the Fast lane | Eponyms | Books | Twitter |

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