
LITFL Update 029

LITFL Logo Updates newsletter 2023

Sending you free open-access medical (FOAM) content from around the globe. We keep an eye on all the trends and best articles and share them with you so that you stay on top of your field.

CMC radiology Cases 340 logo

Implantable Device Imaging 004. As the number of implantable medical devices continues to proliferate rapidly, it will be essential for us to immediately recognise their radiographic features.

CCR logo

CCR24 and CCR Down Under. The Critical Care Review meeting, CCR24, launches June 12th in Belfast. Attend via the CCR live stream to see the best trials in critical care presented and discussed. Plus register now for CCR Down Under in Melbourne, December 2024.

Network Five Journal Club Podcast 340

Network Five: LGBTQIA+ Identity & Healthcare. Happy Pride Month! Part 1 and 2 of this episode from Network Five: LGBTQIA+ Identity & Healthcare focuses on challenges experienced by trans and gender-diverse patients and colleagues.

Latest updates from the #FOAMed world

Coordinating a busy emergency department has more than its fair share of challenges. The St. Emlyn’s crew take us through a mental model approach to managing the chaos on your next shift.

SAHs are bad and result in poor outcomes for over half of our patients who succumb to them. EMC studios delve into the current evidence for recognising and working up patients for SAH.

If you work in a paeds ED then the febrile kid is your bread and butter. The DFTB team take a deep dive into when is a fever not just a fever…

The guru of all things EM EBM is back—Justin from First10EM shares his keynote talk from the NYGH Emergency Medicine conference looking at airway management, and some interesting evidence to change or challenge our practice.


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Emergency nurse with ultra-keen interest in the realms of toxicology, sepsis, eLearning and the management of critical care in the Emergency Department | LinkedIn |

BA MA (Oxon) MBChB (Edin) FACEM FFSEM. Emergency physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.  Passion for rugby; medical history; medical education; and asynchronous learning #FOAMed evangelist. Co-founder and CTO of Life in the Fast lane | Eponyms | Books | Twitter |

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