Odilon Lannelongue
Odilon-Marc Lannelongue (1840-1911) was a French surgeon.
Lannelongue was a pioneering French surgeon who introduced a surgical technique for the treatment of craniosynostosis. In 1890, Lannelongue performed correction of sagittal synostosis by strip craniectomy. From his procedure, multiple techniques have been developed and endorsed for this condition, ranging from simple suturectomies to extensive calvarial vault remodeling.
He was the first surgeon in France to open the skull for relief of compression of the brain. In the fifty-nine craniectomies he performed there was only one fatality.
Working at the Hôpital Trousseau, he made a collection of a thousand pathological specimens, mainly of skeletal tuberculosis, which was later housed at the Musée Dupuytren.
- Born on December 4, 1840 in Castéra-Verduzan, France
- Studied medicine in Paris under the supervision of Charles-Pierre Denonvilliers (1808–1872) and Auguste Nélaton (1807–1873).
- 1862 – Interne des hôpitaux, Paris. Interne lauréat (médaille d’or) des hôpitaux (1865); prix de l’internat (1866)
- 1867 – MD, University of Paris – thèse Circulation veineuse des parois auriculaires du coeur.
- 1869 – Professeur agrégé, the subject of his inaugural address being club-foot. Du pied bot congénital. Surgeon to the Bicêtre Hospital, Paris
- 1872 – Hôpital Trousseau for Children, where he remained twenty-five years. He worked at the surgery of the bones and joints and congenital malformations. He was one of the early adherents of Pasteur and recognized the part microbic infection played in necrosis.
- 1884 – Chair of surgical pathology at the Faculté de médecine de Paris.
- 1885 – Member of I’Académie des Sciences for the section of medicine and surgery to replace Professor Verneuil.
- 1900 – President of the International Congress of Medicine. Established the “Lannelongue prize”, a quinquennial prize for the surgeon whose work had done most to advance the science awarded by the Société de chirurgie
- 1906 – Member of the French senate
- Died on December 22, 1911 in Paris, France
Medical Eponyms
Osgood–Schlatter disease (OSD) is an osteochondrosis or traction apophysitis of the tibial tubercle. OSD is common during the early adolescent growth spurt between 10 and 15 years of age, particularly in children who participate in sports that involve running and jumping. It is more common in males and may affect both knees.
In 1878, Lannelongue discussed ‘les ostéites apophysaires pendant la croissance‘. This in depth review outlines the condition it’s predominance in adolescence; differentation from TB; and the long term benign nature of tibial tuberosity apophysitis
Le changement d’état des apophyses, leur transformation lente ou rapide, réclame pour se produire le concours d’une irritation physiologique active, poursuivant son but de substitution jusqu’à son dernier terme: l’ossification complète après croissance achevée.
Sous cette influence, et pendant toute sa durée, se trouve constituée une véritable prédispositon, une sorte d’imminence morbide. Dès ce moment les apophyses peuvent subir primitivement les mêmes atteintes que celles qui frappent ailleurs le tissuosseux.
The change of state of the apophyses, their slow or rapid transformation, calls for the co-operation of an active physiological irritation to occur, pursuing its goal of substitution until its last term: complete ossification after completed growth.
Under this influence, and throughout its duration, a veritable predisposition is constituted, a sort of morbid imminence. From this moment the apophyses can primitively undergo the same attacks as those which strike the osseous tissue elsewhere.
Major Publications
- Lannelongue OM. Circulation veineuse des parois auriculaires du coeur. 1867
- Lannelongue OM. Du pied bot congénital: thèse présentée au concours pour l’agrégation (section de chirurgie) et soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Paris le 31 mai 1869
- Lannelongue OM. Note sur les ostéites apophysaires pendant la croissance. Bulletins et mémoires de la société de chirurgie de paris. 1878; IV: 162 and 276
- Lannelongue OM. De l’ostéomyélite aiguë pendant la croissance. 1879
- Lannelongue OM. Abcès froids et tuberculose osseuse. 1881
- Lannelongue OM. Blessure et maladie de M. Gambetta: relation de l’autopsie. 1883
- Lannelongue OM. De quelques variétés de tumeurs congénitales de l’ombilic, et plus spécialement des tumeurs adénoides diverticulaires. 1884
- Lannelongue OM. Traité des kystes congénitaux. 1886
- Lannelongue OM. Coxotuberculose: leçons faites à la Faculté de médecine. 1886
- Lannelongue OM. Leçons de clinique chirurgicale. 1888
- Lannelongue OM. Affections congénitales: I. Tete et cou : maladies des bourgeons de l’embryon, des arcs branchiaux et de leurs fents. 1891
- Lannelongue OM. Methode de transformation prompte des produits tuberculeux des articulations et de certaines parties du corps humain. 1891
- Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de M. Lannelongue. 1892
- Death of Professor Lannelongue. JAMA 1912: 58(3): 208
- Obituary: Odilon Marc Lannelongue, M.D.. Professor of Surgical Pathology, University of Paris. BMJ 1912; 1: 164
- Vanderpooten C. Le bistouri et la fortune à la Belle Epoque: Odilon et Marie Lannelongue, 1986
- Peschanski N, Cadogan M. Sixteen French doctors (1906). LITFL
- Bibliography. Lannelongue, Odilon 1840-1911. WorldCat Identities
Eponymous term
- Bir SC, Ambekar S, Notarianni C, Nanda A. Odilon Marc Lannelongue (1840-1911) and Strip Craniectomy for Craniosynostosis. Neurosurg Focus. 2014 Apr;36(4):E16.