Pierre Eugène Ménétrier
Pierre Eugène Ménétrier (1859 – 1935) was a French surgeon, oncologist and pathologist.
Professor of history of medicine and surgery. Associate of internal pathology and forensic medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris.
Eponymously affiliated with Maladie de Ménétrier (1888)
- Born 7 December 1859
- 1924 – President of the French Society for the History of Medicine
- Membre de l’Académie nationale de médecine
- Died 22 August 1935 following a car accident in Lisieux
Medical Eponyms
- Maladie de Ménétrier (1888) – rare disorder characterized by massive overgrowth of mucous cells (foveola) in the mucous membrane lining the stomach, resulting in large gastric folds. [NORD]
Major Publications
- Ménétrier P. Des polyadénomes gastriques et de leurs rapports avec le cancer de l’estomac [Gastric polyadenomas and their relationship to stomach cancer]. Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique. 1888;1:32-55 and 236–262
- Coffey RJ Jr, Tanksley J. Pierre Ménétrier and his disease. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc. 2012;123:126-33 [PMC3540591]
- Ménétrier, Pierre. BIU Santé
- Menetrier Disease. NORD
- Rippey J. Ultrasound Case 062. LITFL
the person behind the name