Professor Elemental connected to IDC
Rumours abound that UCEM’s Professor Staghorn has recruited the one and only Professor Elemental to an honorary position on the Inquisitorial Disciplinary Committee. Having witnessed Elemental’s meritorius display in seeing off all chap hop rivals, Staghorn was keen to enlist another pair of fighting trousers to the taskforce dedicated to ensuring that UCEM’s professional standards are met.
Of coure, one big advantage of being connected to the IDC is that one need never remove one’s fighting trousers.
Yet fighting trousers are useful for more than simply ensuring that MUPPETs and F.UCEMs tow the college line. Indeed, some fellows of the Utopian College have been putting their fighting trousers to good in other ways. For instance, ZDoggMD F.UCEM strapped on his pair to take on the Sucka MDs and other medical media whores that polute the American TV-ways: