Category UCEM

Utopian Medicine is a medical discipline devoted to the pre-emptive, pre-emotive and peri-departmental management of patients coordinated by the Utopian College of Emergency for Medicine (UCEM).

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Waiting Room Medicine

With exponential Emergency Department over-crowding and spiraling waiting times, the Utopian College has produced a series of guidelines to assist fondling members.
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UCEM says No to Softness

The Utopian College of Emergency for Medicine (UCEM) is proud to announce a new policy pertaining to the discipline of peri-departmental medicine. Until now, the softest admissions - such as the Patient Without Discernible Pathology (PWDP) - have been the toughest dispositions.
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UCEM Relocates

The UCEM have relocated from Swarmington-on-the-Wold to the more picturesque setting of Enlightenment Boulevard thanks to the generosity of it's fondling members
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UCEM OSCE SCENARIO 005. You are the ED Consultant in charge of a tertiary hospital ED - You take handover from the night team.
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UCEM to Save the NHS

Egerton Y. Davis IV, Head of UCEM's Demographically Impartial Public & Social Health Improvement Taskforce, made an important announcement today. Davis said that his team have been allocated the task of saving Britain's National Health Service.
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Putting Patients at Ease

A new UCEM guideline is out: "Putting Patients at Ease". Apparently the best way to learn how to do something is to first learn how NOT to do it.
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Downstairs Patients, Upstairs!

UCEM have enlisted the help of Dr. Scott Weingart (without his knowledge of course) to improve the care of patients presenting for assessment by Waiting Room Medicine subspecialists.