Surviving the Aftermath of ECMO
ECMO is a life-saving intervention for critically ill patients, but patients describe a recovery period that can take months to years.
The podcast
The slides
Carol Hodgson
Professor Carol Hodgson PhD FACP PT is Co-Deputy Director of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre at Monash University. She has developed and led international Phase II and III trials to test early interventions to improve long-term outcomes and the quality of survival.
She leads grants (> $15M) for international, randomised trials and a binational registry. Her work as a specialist ICU physiotherapist leading clinical research in Australia and New Zealand has led to a paradigm shift in the treatment of ICU patients, especially rehabilitation practices.
She has over 100 publications in this field and experience developing international guidelines for mechanical ventilation, early mobilisation and the management of sepsis. [@chodgsonANZICRC]
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Oliver Flower, staff specialist in Intensive Care Medicine at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney | NeuroResus |