Nerve Cell Action PotentialPhysiology Philes: Draw and describe a nerve cell action potential. BSCC Examination questionJason ScopMay 10, 2019
Cardiac Myocyte Action PotentialPhysiology Philes: Draw and explain the action potential in a cardiac myocyte. BSCC Examination questionDeanne ChiuMay 9, 2019
Cardiac Pacemaker Cells and Action potentialDraw and describe the cardiac pacemaker action potential and explain the effects of vagal or sympathetic stimulation at the Sino-Atrial (SA) nodeNeil LongMay 7, 2019
Physiology Philes: Cardiac Action PotentialPart 2 in a three part physiology phile series discussing the cardiac action potential and its effect on conduction - Cardiac Action PotentialMichelle JohnstonMay 4, 2019