Tag Commotio Cordis

Giovanni Maria Lancisi

Biography Born 26 October 1654 Died 20 January 1720 Medical Eponyms Sign Key Medical Attributions Commotio cordis (1707) Sic olim vidimus, inflicto vehementer pugno sub cartilagine mucronata, vitae nodum ex tempore solutum; nimirum quod eo loci una conuenivnt, valideque per…

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Case of Commotio Cordis

Ventricular fibrillation and sudden death triggered by a blunt, non penetrating, and often innocent appearing unintentional blow to the chest without damage to the ribs, sternum, or heart (and in the absence of underlying cardiovascular disease) constitute an event know as commotio cordis, which translates from the Latin as agitation of the heart.