5-step COVID: A cognitive aid for the pandemic airway5-step COVID - a cognitive aid for the pandemic airway emphasising key consideration in the intubation of COVID19 patients.Peter BrindleyApril 12, 2020
Should we use an “aerosol box” for intubation?Dr Albert Chan shares his findings from simulation testing of the "aerosol box" for the intubation of COVID-19 patients.Albert ChanApril 9, 2020
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)Overview of COVID-19, including assessment and management, from an Australia and New Zealand critical care perspective.Gregory BroganApril 6, 2020
Lung ultrasound: COVID-19 casesWhen is a COVID case not a COVID case? Lung ultrasound: COVID-19 cases with @thesonocaveJames RippeyApril 5, 2020
Visual Abstracts for COVID-19 #CoVisuals#CoVisuals are educational visual abstracts created by Dr. Chelsea Harris, MD, MS a General Surgery Resident at the University of Maryland. Chelsea Harris, MDApril 2, 2020
Shared ventilation: how to do it if you have toDr Simran Kaur Matta explains how to "split" a ventilator so that you can provide shared ventilation to multiple patients if you have to.Simran Kaur Matta, MDApril 1, 2020
A Practical Approach to Running a Scarce Resource Allocation Team (SRAT)Practical guidance on how Scarce Resource Allocation Teams (SRATs) should conduct themselves if hospital resources are overwhelmed.Jack Iwashyna, MDMarch 29, 2020
Should we put multiple COVID-19 patients on a single ventilator?Prof Jack Iwashyna on the highly limited role of single ventilator / multiple patient workarounds in the COVID-19 epidemic.Jack Iwashyna, MDMarch 29, 2020