Tag Emergency Medicine
Research and Reviews in the Fastlane 340


Research and Reviews (R&R) in the FastLane: experts worldwide tell us what they think is worth reading from emergency medicine and critical care literature
Research and Reviews in the Fastlane 340


Research and Reviews (R&R) in the FastLane: experts worldwide tell us what they think is worth reading from emergency medicine and critical care literature

Busting the clotbusters (from SMACC 2013)

As revenge for an incident best left unmentioned, Chris Nickson of litfl.com handed me the poisoned chalice of speaking on tPA for stroke at SMACC 2013. This is the result. (Un)fortunately there is no actual video footage as I wasn’t…

Imagining the future

The theme of this session was "Imagining the Future" featuring Kendall Ho, Mike Cadogan and Stephen Atherton. It's long, but there is some good stuff in there. Excuse the mumbling chairman...and the lack of audio in some parts of the Q+A after the talks.

Three hospitals in parallel dimensions

There exist three hospitals in parallel dimensions. This may be the root of all service delivery problems in public healthcare systems, including the spectre of access block. A bold statement, I know, but read on… The idea of three parallel…