Regional Nerve BlockCritical Care Compendium - The C-IMPLE approach to regional nerve blockStewart UreJanuary 29, 2021
Pharm 101: PrilocaineACEM Primary Pharmacology of Prilocaine: the Pharmacokinetics; Pharmacodynamics; Clinical uses; Adverse effectsRobert ButtnerFebruary 26, 2020
Pharm 101: BupivacaineACEM Primary Pharmacology of Bupivacaine: the Pharmacokinetics; Pharmacodynamics; Clinical uses; Adverse effectsRobert ButtnerFebruary 25, 2020
Pharm 101: LignocaineACEM Primary Pharmacology of Lignocaine: the Pharmacokinetics; Pharmacodynamics; Clinical uses; Adverse effectsRobert ButtnerFebruary 19, 2020
Local Anaesthetic ToxicityThis illustration summarise the effects of local anaesthetic toxicity through anthropomorphization - Kloss and Bruce Tox in the Box FlashcardBrian KlossApril 13, 2019
Local AnaestheticLocal Anaesthetic toxicity is nearly always due to a therapeutic error. Usually an incorrect dose, route or technique.Neil LongMarch 3, 2019
Local Anaesthetic ToxicityLocal Anaesthetic Toxicity-> sodium channel blockade -> arrhythmias and neurotoxicityChris NicksonJanuary 4, 2019