Tag Morbus Basedow
eponymythology diffuse toxic goitre 340 2

Diffuse Toxic Goitre

The problem of nomenclature of diffuse toxic goitre (Parry, Graves or Basedow disease) remains an unsettled one. So lets review the chronological history of eponymous aetiology for toxic goitre/exophthalmic goitre
Karl Adolph von Basedow (1799 – 1854) 1

Karl Adolph von Basedow

Karl Adolph von Basedow (1799 – 1854) was a German general practitioner, surgeon and obstetrician. Described Basedow (Graves) disease 1840
Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Albrecht von Gräfe (1828 – 1870)

Albrecht von Graefe

Albrecht von Gräfe (1828 – 1870) was a German ophthalmologist. Founder of scientific ophthalmology, Graefe sign (1864)
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Graves disease

Graves disease: Autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. A form of hyperthyroidism manifesting the triad of goitre, exophthalmos and pretibial myxoedema.
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Möbius sign

Möbius sign: Diagnostic test in patients with Morbus Basedow (Graves disease) - the inability to maintain ocular convergence in the presence of hyperthyroidism.