Tag Naloxone
Toxicology-Library-Tox-library-LITFL 340

Lethal and insidious

Addiction is potentially the most lethal disease we encounter in medical practice. As emergency healthcare providers we can have an enormous impact on 'years of life lost' by managing this illness well.


This opioid antagonist is a useful adjunct in the management of opioid intoxication, particularly if there is CNS or respiratory depression. Caution is advised in those who are opiate-dependant and naloxone should only be used if there is significant CNS (GCS <12) and respiratory depression (RR <8).
Toxicology-Conundrum-340 256

Suboxone poisoning

The phone rings as you sit down for lunch. You are asked for advice concerning a drowsy 2 year-old boy who was brought in to a Children's Emergency Department by his worried parents.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Opioid Overdose

Opioid Overdose: miosis; CNS depression; respiratory depression; complications of hypoxia: seizures, dysrrhythmia, brain injury
CCC Critical Care compendium 340


Naloxone: opioid receptor antagonist; competitive antagonism at mu, kappa and delta receptors -> prevention of binding to endogenous and exogenous opiate receptors.