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Emergency Musical Interlude

EMI 031 The Confrontation

The Confrontation a Les Misérables Emergency Musical Interlude: where an ED doc and a Hospitalist lock horns in counterpoint juxtaposition...
Emergency Musical Interlude

EMI 018 Cranial Nerves Song

A 10 minute medley of neurological wonder - thought it would be worth sharing this little ditty on cranial nerves to awaken your inner geek!
Emergency Musical Interlude

EMI 016 Parody Paradise

Been waiting all week for this EMI to arrive... and finally the big ZDogg has delivered with another blockbuster parody - It's Call Day
Emergency Musical Interlude

EMI 016 Torture Me

The Emergency Musical Interlude ground to a halt late last year due to the lack of high quality medically related music videos in production on the web. I feel your disappointment. But fear no more, take a deep breath sit back…

Emergency Musical Interlude

EMI 015 In Clinic

In Clinic - Need Zofran ODT, I'm feelin queasy - Anxious while we're rounding man, cause getting pimped ain't easy....
Emergency Musical Interlude

EMI 006: Finals Countdown

Trying to assist with an educational session for the upcoming Fellowship examinations...reminded me of this great Emergency Musical Interlude from the awesome Amateur Transplants with @amateursuman and Adam Kay
Emergency Musical Interlude

EMI 004: Let it flow

Once again ZDoggMD has come up with an anthem for the masses, the prostate masses that is...'Let it Flow' the latest Frozen parody