Tag prehospital
Civilian first aid 680

Civilian First Aid

Videos to demonstrate simple lifesaving first aid skills to allow civilians in areas of conflict to potentially save the life of their fellow citizens
SMACC 2019 blue science innovation 340

Battlefield Surgery

MSF goes where no one else will go, but doing this kind of good is not getting any easier. John Swinnen on The Future of Battlefield Surgery.
SMACC 2019 blue science innovation 340

Good Sam 2.0

Being able to open any mobile phone camera enables triage of scene (mechanism of injury) and patient (physiology). This enables better resource allocation and can start treatment sooner.
SMACC 2019 blue science innovation 340

Paramedicine: beyond 2020

Gary Berkowitz provides a brief outline of the capabilities of HARU and some key principles that make it successful. Could this be a model for other ambulance services to follow in the future?