Peter Essex-LoprestiPeter Gordon Lawrence Essex-Lopresti (1916-1951) was a British orthopaedic surgeon. Eponym: Essex-Lopresti fracture (1951) Eleanor Boden and Mike CadoganOctober 16, 2022
Essex-Lopresti fractureEssex-Lopresti injury consists of a radial head fracture AND dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) AND disruption of the interosseous membrane (IOM)Eleanor Boden and Mike CadoganOctober 16, 2022
The Hurty ElbowSo it’s the first shift of a run of nights. A tearful mum has brought in 18-month old Bobby complaining of a hurty, manage the pulled elbowJohnny IliffFebruary 17, 2018