Appendicitis – the eponymous examinationAuthors eponymously associated with abdominal signs, symptoms, investigation and management of appendicitisMike CadoganMarch 14, 2022
Rovsing signRovsing sign (1907): In acute appendicitis, palpation of the left lower quadrant may elicit pain in the right lower quadrant. Niels Rovsing and Emil S Perman (1904)Mike CadoganJanuary 21, 2022
AppendicitisA review of the diagnostic evaluation and treatment of appendicitis, with a particular focus on emergency department work-up and managementLouis Connell and Robert ButtnerJuly 13, 2021
Emil PermanEmil Samuel Perman (1856 - 1946) was a Swedish general surgeon. Eponymsously associated with the Perman-Rovsing signGary Zhang and Mike CadoganJune 3, 2021
Niels Thorkild RovsingNiels Thorkild Rovsing (1862-1927) was a Danish surgeon Eponym linked with Rovsing sign (1907) in the diagnosis of acute appendicitisMike CadoganMay 30, 2021
Funtabulously Frivolous Friday Five 234Funtabulously Frivolous Friday Five 234 - Just when you thought your brain could unwind on a Friday, some medical trivia FFFF.Neil LongApril 20, 2019
Ludwig TraubeLudwig Traube (1818 - 1876) was a German physician. Traube space; Traube pulse (pulsus bigeminus); Traube sign; and Doppelton Gary Zhang and Mike CadoganApril 14, 2019