Tag Sodium-Channel Blocker Toxicity

Phenytoin toxicity

Phenytoin intoxication can occur either with repeated supra therapeutic dosing or an acute overdose. Dose-dependent CNS depression occurs. Most presentations are benign and have good outcomes with supportive care. The main risk to patients is falling which can last days.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Sodium Channel Blocker Toxicity

AGENTS NB. phenytoin and sodium valproate do not usually present with features of sodium channel blockade in overdose. CLINICAL FEATURES INVESTIGATIONS SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT AND TRIGGERS FOR INTERVENTION References and Links


ECG Case 056

Middle-aged patient presenting with drowsiness. Brief seizure in ED. BP unrecordable. Interpret the ECG.

ECG Case 055

Middle-aged patient presenting with drowsiness. BP 85/50. Pupils dilated. Interpret the ECG. TCA overdose, pseudo Brugada