Spodick signSpodick Sign: Stage I Pericarditis, a downsloping of the TP line. Described 1974 by American Cardiologist, David H Spodick (1927 – 2019)Mike CadoganJanuary 2, 2021
David SpodickDavid H Spodick (1927 – 2019) was an American Cardiologist. Eponymously affiliated with Spodick's sign in acute pericarditis (1974)Mike Cadogan and Robert ButtnerJanuary 2, 2021
PericarditisInflammation of the pericardium secondary to infection, localised injury or systemic disorders, producing characteristic chest pain, dyspnoea and serial ECG changes.Ed Burns and Robert ButtnerAugust 1, 2020
ECG Case 032Young adult patient with pleuritic chest pain. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG. pericarditis Spodick’s signEd Burns and Robert ButtnerAugust 3, 2018