Tag TB
CMC radiology Cases 340 logo

Adult CXR Cases 028

January 2023 Adult Emergency Medicine Chest X-ray interpretation with Angela Pikus, Mark Baumgarten, Alex Blackwell and Rosa Malloy-Post
CMC radiology Cases 340 logo

Adult CXR Cases 025

June 2022 Adult Emergency Medicine Chest X-ray interpretation with Daniel Escobar, Angela Pikus, Alex Blackwell and Michael Leonard on tuberculosis
CCC Critical Care compendium 340


Tuberculosis (TB) is the most important infectious cause of death worldwide and is caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
Tropical Travel Trouble

Humongous HIV Extravaganza

Tropical Travel Trouble is a series of clinical cases that you may see in the tropics or your own ED from the dreaded returned traveller. HIV
Tropical Travel Trouble

Total TB Extravaganza

What is tuberculosis (TB)? This tropical travel clinical case extravaganza covers aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TB