Translating SMACCFORCE into practice

The St Emlyn’s team of Simon Carley, Natalie May, Ash Leibig and Libby Hanrahan discuss how we can take the ideas, inspirations and thoughts from SMACCFORCE and translate them into practice.

How do we combat the attitude of “that’s not how we do it” to open ourselves up to new ideas and processes?

The podcast

The slides

Simon Carley

Professor of Emergency Medicine from Manchester, England working in both adult and paediatric trauma centres. In MedEd I have manhy hats. I’m editor in chief on the St Emlyn‚Äôs blog and podcast, co-founder of BestBets, St.Emlyns and the MSc in emergency medicine at Manchester Metropolitan University and am an Associate Editor for the Emergency Medicine Journal. My research interests include diagnostics, MedEd, Major incidents & Evidence based Emergency Medicine. Talk to me about anything above, or cycling, or travel, or food or my family. After SMACC I’m travelling round Vietnam and Cambodia with Fiona (Prof. and Ophthalmologist in Manchester) and my two teenage girls.

Natalie May

Natalie trained in Emergency Medicine and subspecialty Paediatric EM in the UK, where she worked for just over a year as a consultant before moving to Sydney where she now works as locally as a Specialist in Emergency Medicine, as a Specialist in Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine with Sydney HEMS and occasionally in Neonatal and Pediatric Transport (NETS).

She has a long-held interest in medical education and holds a postgraduate certificate in workplace-based medical education. Natalie is a proud contributor to the St. Emlyn’s blog and podcast.

Libby Hanrahan

Critical Care Paramedic on the Sydney Hems Rescue Helicopter. Registered nurse. Been with NSW Ambulance for 19 years and loved every one of them. Been with aeromed for 5 years and have no intention of going anywhere!!

Ashley Liebig

Ashley is a division chief, nurse, helicopter rescue specialist, veteran, organizer, educator, author, friend, high strung, never sleeping, career procrastinator, wanna-be over achiever and most importantly; Mom.She is massively proud to be on the organizing committee for SMACC and SMACCFORCE, and loves her FOAM family. She talks about some stuff and writes some things. She thinks writing about herself in third person is weird.

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Dr Oliver Flower LITFL Author BW

Oliver Flower, staff specialist in Intensive Care Medicine at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney | NeuroResus |

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