Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest

SonoSLAM: UtiliTEE of Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest – with Haney Mallemat and Claire Heslop

Does POCUS delay CPR in cardiac arrest? Should we be doing more transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in the resususcitation room?

A pro/con case-based debate…

Haney Mallemat is board certified in Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Critical Care Medicine and works in the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit in Baltimore Maryland. He has lectured both nationally and internationally, and has contributed to several Emergency Medicine and Critical Care podcasts. He is a firm believer in the benefits of bedside ultrasound for better patient care. He also uses ultrasound to help education medical students, residents, fellows, nurses, and mid-level providers. He was awarded the Department of Emergency Medicine “Outstanding Teaching Award” in 2012, in 2013, and in 2015.

Claire Heslop is a Canadian ER physician who does quite a lot of emergency ultrasound education and curriculum development. She works and teaches at the University of Toronto, and cannot talk without using her hands. Claire also runs very long distances up and down mountains sometimes.

SonoSLAM UtiliTEE of Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest
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Dr Oliver Flower LITFL Author BW

Oliver Flower, staff specialist in Intensive Care Medicine at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney | NeuroResus |

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