Wilhelm Roser (1817 – 1888)

Wilhelm Roser (1817-1888) was a German surgeon and ophthalmologist

Along with Auguste Nélaton eponymously affiliated with the Roser-Nélaton line

  • Born on March 26, 1817, Stuttgart
  • Died on December 16, 1888, Marburg

Medical Eponyms

Nélaton’s line (Roser-Nélaton line)

The theoretical line drawn from the anterior superior spine of the ilium to tuberosity of the ischium, in the moderately flexed hip. In cases of dislocation of the hip the tip of the greater trochanter of the femur is above the line.

“Die diagnose der Luxation erschien uns inden meisten Fällen dieser Art sehr leicht: bei normaler Lage befinden sich die Spina ilii, der Trochanter und der Tuber ischii nahezu in Einer Linie, ist Luxation da, so steht der Trochanter auffallend höher und weiter nach hinten als die Linie, welche man sich von der Spina zum Tuber gezogen denkt.”

Roser W. Hacker, Erfahrungen und Abhandlungen im Gebiete der Chirurgie. Archiv für physiologische Heilkunde, 1846; 5: 142

The diagnosis of luxation presented itself in most cases quite clearly: in a normal situation, the iliac spine, the trochanter and the ischial tuberosity lie nearly on the same line; if there is a luxation, the trochanter lies noticeably higher and more posterior to the line, which one may imagine traced from the spine to the tuberosity

Roser W. Hacker, Erfahrungen und Abhandlungen im Gebiete der Chirurgie. Archiv für physiologische Heilkunde, 1846; 5: 142

Roser-Koenig Mouth Gag

Roser-Braun symptom


Marino Ortolani (1904 – 1983) comprehensively studied clinical signs relating to hip reduction via abduction [Ortoloani test]. This had been previously described by multiple clinicians including Roser in 1870:

Il n’est pas rare de rencontrer des enfants sur lesquels on peut produire une luxation prononcée en leur mettant la cuisse dans l’adduction, tandis que par l’abduction et la flexion on fait de nouveau disparaître cet accident.

Roser. Eléments de pathologie chirurgicale spéciale et de médecine opératoire. 1870

It is not uncommon to meet children on whom a pronounced dislocation can be produced by placing the thigh in the adduction, while by abduction and flexion this event is made to disappear again.

Roser 1870

Major Publications



Eponymous terms

eponymictionary CTA


the person behind the name

Dr Conor O'Reilly, MB BCh BAO BComm, University College Dublin / Dublin City University, Ireland. In Australia working in Emergency Medicine with an interest in Sports medicine

BA MA (Oxon) MBChB (Edin) FACEM FFSEM. Emergency physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.  Passion for rugby; medical history; medical education; and asynchronous learning #FOAMed evangelist. Co-founder and CTO of Life in the Fast lane | Eponyms | Books | Twitter |

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