
Alfred Stieda

Eugen Julius Karl Paul Alfred Stieda (1869-1945) was a German Surgeon.

He is eponymously affiliated with the Stieda fracture, Pellegrini-Stieda lesion, and Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome.

  • Born on December 11, 1869 in Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia); son of the anatomist Christian Hermann Ludwig Stiel (1837-1918)
  • Tertiary education from the universities of Tübingen, Königsberg and Geneva
  • 1891 – Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Königsberg in East Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia); ‘Ueber die Kloake und das Receptaculum seminis der weiblichen Tritonen
  • Worked at the medical clinic in Rostock, women’s clinic in Giessen, and surgical clinic in Königsberg
  • 1905 – Habilitated at the department of surgery in Königsberg
  • 1907 – Appointed titular professor of surgery, University of Königsberg
  • 1908 – Head physician at the surgical department of the Red Cross Hospital in Bertaheim
  • Died on April 30, 1945 in Stralsund, Germany

Medical Eponyms
Köhler-Pellegrini-Stieda lesion (Pellegrini-Stieda disease)

Ossified post-traumatic lesions at (or near) the medial femoral collateral ligament adjacent to the margin of the medial femoral condyle

Stieda presented 5 males (aged 20-48 years) following traumatic injury with knee radiograph findings of semilunar-shaped shadows around the superior border of the femoral medial epicondyle in a 1908 publication. On cadaveric dissection, he found the lesion to be situated at the origin of the medial head of the gastrocnemius.

…it undoubtedly concerns a rupture of the upper part of the internal epicondyle, and in our clinically observed cases, we may also well suppose an analog injury, especially since the position of the shadow in the X-ray fits more with a tear of the muscle insertion (upper portion of the internal epicondyle) than with a tear of the insertion of the inner sideband (lower portion of the internal epicondyle). Further, whether the projection comes off by direct force or because of muscle pull is an interesting question.

Stieda 1908
Über eine typische Verletzung am unteren Femurende 1908
Stieda original drawing (1908): ossification as seen on radiographs
  • Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome – restricted range of movement and pain in the presence of the Pellegrini-Stieda lesion.
  • Stieda Fracture – avulsion injury of the medial collateral ligament at the medial femoral condyle

Major Publications



Eponymous terms


Doctor in Australia. Keen interest in internal medicine, medical education, and medical history.

Resident medical officer in emergency medicine MB ChB (Uni. Dundee)  MRCS Ed. Avid traveller, yoga teacher, polylinguist with a passion for discovering cultures.

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