Category Differential diagnosis
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Ataxia DDx

Ataxia is impaired coordination in the absence of weakness. Acute ataxia is a neurological emergency, and vascular lesions of the cerebellum (infarction, hemorrhage) must be considered/ excluded.
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Large bowel obstruction

In an adult, large bowel obstruction is cancer until proven otherwise. Key radiological features are dilated bowel loops that are peripheral, contain haustra and contain faeces.
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Scrotal mass

Differential diagnosis of the scrotal mass. See also scrotal pain and inguinal mass (in abdominal mass)
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Facial twitches DDx

Recurrent facial twitches are most commonly due to hemifacial spasm, but this needs to be distinguished from other causes.
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680


Parkinsonism is a combination of resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and loss of postural reflexes. Parkinson disease (PD) is the most common form, but must be distinguished from its imitators.
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Abdominal distension DDx

Abdominal distension is diffuse swelling or enlargement of the abdomen. It can also apply to the sensation of elevated abdominal pressure and volume.